Well, uh... I didn't expect for this artwork to blew up that fast, probably my best at the current moment. I personally like it too but... Seeing it first time being star rated & successful is pretty poggers for me.
Also... Eh... I didn't made this post only for that, to thank you guys. But also to say that I've got pretty big problems with college I'm in right now (not in that sense that I was care about it, but I do not want to go to the army at all)... And the family... I don't actually wanna to discuss about it. I just want to let you know guys why I'm posting that rarely.
I'm not gonna ask for money, I want to make GREAT artworks for money, and I can do that! But the load of sh*t that got over me is makes me more unstable with each day. I'm surprised that I haven't got any panic attacks still... I hope you will understand me in some way.
But at this right time, I'm gonna head out! Stay safe and always follow your true dreams. It will never fail you, trust me. A little moral support will make me feel myself better, early thanks for doing that.
-Best regards